Mayo Dark Sky Festival – Theme: Astronomy & Space

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Environmental Theme

Moving out of this world…. from angels and demons to photons and quarks…we cannot wait to hear from Brother Guy Consolmagno SJ – Director of the Vatican Observatory and co-author of the classic astronomy book (with Dan Davis) “Turn Left at Orion”. Brother Guy will be presenting his talk on “Catholic” Cosmologies in Newport on Sunday afternoon. 

If you are a newcomer to astronomy, don’t miss Derek Dempsey of Newport Astronomy Club presenting “First Steps in Astronomy” and Brendan Owens, Public Engagements Manager for the Institute of Physics, who will be presenting “Next Steps in Astronomy”.

StarDome from Blackrock Castle Observatory! We are delighted to welcome back the team from BCO who will be presenting Planetarium shows over the weekend. With limited capacity per show and no advance booking, we suggest arriving early to secure a place!

Writer and Broadcaster Brian Harvey, moves into Space Exploration with a talk on “China in Space”; recording China’s rise to a space superpower, its current projects and future ambitions.

For those seeking ambitious technology, how about joining Professor Mark McCaughrean’s talk on the James Webb Space Telescope “From First light to New Planets”. As senior advisor for Science & Exploration at the European Space Agency, this promises to be an enlightening behind the scenes explanation on his role in the working group for the James Webb Space Telescope.

Have you ever wondered who Owns the Moon? Well if you head to Mulranny on Sunday morning, you will get a chance to consider this and other questions of Space Law in discussion with lawyer Rebecca Senior.

Peering into the darkness is the title of Professor Sera Markoff’s talk about black holes in the Event Horizon Telescope (EHT) era. Sera will be speaking in Hotel Newport on Sunday about this and some bizarre features in the Universe – as well as answering your questions on black holes!

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