A multi sensory, audio visual experience of Under One Sky for Culture Night…
This is a specially designed audio-visual experience, exploring the meanings and values of dark skies through a series of short stories and poems from culturally diverse perspectives. We invite you to adjust your mind as well as your eyes…sit around the hearth…..the night reflected in our nearby pond…and share the appreciation and humility which the natural night sky has inspired for generations.We are proud to collaborate with Dark-Source and Atelier Serendipity in this sensory, audio visual fusion with a low impact installation using passive illumination, recycled seating and equipment.
Join us at Mayo Dark Sky Park / Wild Nephin National Park for this special Culture Night event at 8pm . This will be followed by a special talk at the Visitor Centre at 8.30pm.
NEW HERITAGE PROJECT….Postcards from the NightSky launching on Culture Night…
Starting on Culture Night… we are running a community project to collect and record local stories, folklore, piseogs and superstitions relating to the night sky in Ireland. Ask grannies, grandpas and elders in the community to share their stories or traditions of the night from past times. It could be as simple as a little superstition about the moon or its lunar phases, or perhaps a story which involves a mythical Irish character or an Irish constellation story.
Keep the picture postcard (see image) of Mayo Dark Sky Park and leave the detachable white card with your findings by words or pictures in the post box provided. We may use extracts from your postcard in the exhibition, or in live story events and related materials. Unless you wish to provide your name, these extracts will be used anonymously.

Please note that Ballycroy Community Centre will also be hosting a special food & culture event at 7pm-8pm for Culture Night. Everyone is welcome and there is time to head there first and then walk up to the Ballycroy Visitor Centre for Under One Sky afterwards.